Friday, January 29, 2010


I haven't updated my blog in over a year and half..... partly because it is too painful to remember life in LT and how different my life is now. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm where the LORD wants me, but that doesn't negate the fact that my heart often grieves serving in LT...or just serving in the capacity; to be doing full time ministry.

God called me to go and tell and now He has called me to stay and tell. I'm figuring out what that looks like; figuring out what it looks like to be a missionary to my own culture. To bring my real life to my real world.

I woke up this morning to the wind blowing on my face and it smelled like spring in Lithuania. When I became fully coherent, I was disappointed to realize I wasn't really there and memories came flooding in. Memories of walking down Laisves Aleja as the tress are changing, and flowers are showing their first appearance after a long dark colorless winter, talking to students about life. Or walking around the university campus with the warmer wind blowing, praying for a revival to take place and for the students to experience true freedom for the first time.

It's mornings like this, where I have to look at my tattoo and remember LT really did happen, even though most days it feels like a dream. I got my tattoo on the year anniversary of being back from LT. It says, "Nepamirsk" which means "don't forget" in Lithuanian. It reminds me to reflect and remember how God worked in LT and in my own life. How I'm not and never will be the same person I was before LT, and hopefully some students, as well. To remember that God is faithful and that He is good and that in the darkest moments of my life, He will be there and He will heal the wounded and broken places.
To remember to tell of His good deeds, and to ultimately remember He is not done with me. He still has great plans for

Deuteronomy 4:9 is also apart of my tattoo which says;
"Only take care and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them know to your children and your children's children."

So today Lord, I am remembering.

Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for calling me. Thank you for using me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for hearing me. Thank you for changing me.

To YOU be the glory forever and ever.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My room right now!!!!

Ahhhh! I think the way I organize things is through chaos! I am packing right now and my room looks like it was broken into and havoc was wreaked on it! I thought I would share my methodizing skills with you:

Room in Progress....

My room has went from being to a mess to being a disaster to complete chaos!
Here are photos of the process:

Monday, June 09, 2008

And it begins...

Now it is time to start the packing process...
Today's project was the office. I wish I had a before and after picture, but I just have an after picture. Hey! That's a good idea.. I will do before and after pictures of my packing process!! (Since I struggle with ideas of blogging, this will at least be a good 3 or 4 blogs! Yah for you! I know you are excited.. you just can't hide it!)

Okay, I realize you have nothing to compare it to, but trust me, it looks empty, sad, and lonely. It has lost its homey feeling.... hmmm.....
more to come later!

Lithuanian Staff Retreat

Last week , all of the Lithuanian Agape Staff went on a retreat to a really small village. We stayed in a log cabin and ate homemade Lithuanian and Russian food! Hmmm... tasty goodness.
It was great to be able to spend some quality time with the Vilnius team and praise God together for all that He has done over the years. We also had devotion times in the morning where each person shared about how God has worked in their life and how they've seen Him use them this last year. What a precious time to hear more of peoples hearts and to be reminded of God 's goodness!

Then at the end of the week it was just the Kaunas team. We spent time debriefing as a team the last couple years. It was a time of laughter, tears (mostly on my part!), and reflection. This time will forever be cherished in my heart....

Agape Lithuania

Having some fun with statues



Playing a fun game Tiana introduced us to

My amazing team!!!

A park with big kids toys!!

The girls

Good-Bye Partay.......

On June 1st, we invited all the students that we have meet over the last couple years to an open house goody-bye party. It was a laid back party which was great after a busy week! We could just sit back and visit with the students and reminisce over good times.

Sharon & Agne
Jason (being himself) & Joel

Edgaras & Matt

Gabriella & I
Devidas, Tiana, Aman

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Not a fan of Goodbyes....

The last couple weeks have been emotionally draining to say the least. Don't get me wrong, it has been great being able to meet with students and have that last "intentional" meeting, but I don't like saying goodbye. I'm more of a , "see ya later" girl, but it is really goodbye this time. Lord willing I will see them again one day and we will be able to worship our God together forever.. what a glorious day that will be..

Here are some photos of my meetings the last couple weeks:

Sonata, Me, Catherina
Simona & I
Sandra, Gintare, Zena

This is an old photo because I forgot to take a picture!!!
Vaida, Tiana, Me, Ausra

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Thought I would let you all know that we arrive home June 24th!
It is hard to believe that our time here is almost over and that it has went by so fast! However, it will be great to see family and friends again!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Piece of Cake

piece of cake
I was hanging out with a student today and she said the cutest thing!
I thanked her for hanging out with me and she giggled then said, "It is like if you ate a piece of tasty cake and it said thank you for eating me."

I have never been compared to a piece of cake, but it was a sweet (haha) compliment.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Things I Like.......

I realized that my last couple posts have been about things that are different between the States and Lithuania. I don't want you guys to get the impression that I don't like this culture. I have come to love Lithuania and Lithuanians and our differences. I have learned so much from them!
So I thought I would post about some of the things that I like and enjoy that are different from the States!
-I like the fact that the grocery cart's wheels go in all directions, making it possible to push your cart sideways.
- I appreciate and value Lithuanians honesty, there is usually no pretense.
- I like that you have to ask for your bill when you go to a restaurant because it is considered rude to bring it to you before then.
- I like the way the Lithuanians drive. (this took some getting use to, but now I like it!!!)
- I appreciate the fact that they are a relational people
- I like that when I order coffee it comes in a mug. (at first this was hard)
- I like having to walking everywhere.
- I like that when you go to someones house you take off your shoes and they usually have a basket of slippers for you to wear.
- I like how they dress, everyday wear would be considered dressy for us North Westerners.
- I appreciate the fact that when you go to someone's house, you bring a little gift for them. It can be as simple as a candy bar, but it is just a way of showing appreciation. If someone does bring something, it is proper for you to put it out for everyone to snack on.

Uhhhh... Is that what I think it is?

Sharon and I were having coffee the other day (at my favorite coffee shop!) and another cultural difference was brought to mind. It is not bad, it is just different. However, I am still surprised every time I see it. So, it is very common for woman to leave their babies outside in their stroller while they go into a store or restaurant. While Sharon and I were at the coffee shop, a woman came, parked her baby outside and came in to get coffee. This lead Sharon and I into a conversation about cultural differences and how certain things are acceptable here that in the States would not be. To be honest, when I saw this for the first time, I was horrified because this contradicted everything my culture taught me about the proper way to care for a child.
But it is normal here and is a conventional way of caring for a child. Like I said earlier, it is not bad, just different.
I would love to hear any cultural differences you may have experienced or stories about interacting with another culture. :)