Saturday, September 30, 2006

I've been in Lithuania now for 12 days and it still doesn't seem really. I have lived in three different apartments and now I have my apartment that I will be living in for the next two years. The 5 of us move into my apartment on September 27th. Jen and Peter got an apartment that is in the same complex as mine and moved in the next day. So now it me and Matt & Sharon. It has been great having them live with me! This way I am not living by myself and have some great company, but we are really praying that they can find an apartment soon so they can start settling in and making a home here!
God has been so good! I feel so blessed by Him! I was praying for an apartment that felt like home and He went above and behond! There were things that I really wanted to have, but could have lived without and God gave them to me! Like a dryer! I almost cried when I saw it! Dryers are not common at all, most people hang dry their clothes. I will post some pictures of my apartment soon.
We got to go to a student gathering last night for a different organization and it was so refreshing just to hang around students! It made me realize that I can't wait to start our ministry! I'm so excited!
I'm not really struggling with anything huge right now like I thought I would be. I just imagined that being a missionary I would always have some big struggle always looming over me. I'm just taking a day at a time and putting it in the Lord's hands and it makes things a lot easier! I'm not carrying the world on my shoulders and I know that if something happens that it's in the Lord's hands and He will take care of it. I am so thankful that I serve such a big God!!!!

Friday, September 22, 2006

CHEESE! These were all taken at Gedimino Pilius.

Jen and I expressing our true colors!

We're so pretty, oh, so pretty!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I am here! Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Haaaalllleeuljah!!!! It is my third full day in Vilnus, which is the capital of Lithuania. I will be leaving for Kaunas on Saturday. It has been beautiful here! Yesterday morning we had a thunder and lightening storm that was incredible. One time the thunder was right over us and made 3 car alarms in the parking lot go off! It was also rainy yesterday, I felt right at home!
Today we hiked up to a place called "Gedimino Pelius" which is a castle and watch tower. I took some pictures up at the top and I will post them as soon as I can get my computer hooked up to the internet. It was a beautiful view!
We are having a good time here in Vilnus and enjoying getting to know the Vilnus team, but I am ready to go to Kaunas and get settled in. I'm ready to start a ministry and make it my own, figure out where I fit in and start loving on and serving some students.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I love being able to use different colors on here! It's so cool! The lastest news is that Lord willing I will be leaving for Lithuania on Sunday September 17th! Which is in 5 days! WEE HA! I have $285 more a month that I need to raise before then so if your reading this, could you pray for that? I would appreciate it! I just started packing this week, which just goes to show that my life has been a whirl-wind the past couple months! :) But through this process of support raising, I have been so blessed! God has put me in a front row seat of watching Him work in some incredible ways! I have loved it! He also has worked on my heart so much through all of this, breaking me and making me moldable to be more like Him! What an experience.

By popular demand, I am updating my blog! :) To be totally honest, I am horrible at these kind of things. I tend to forget that I have them or that they even exist. Kind of like my head, if it wasn't attached, I would for get that I had it! So I have a great opprotunity to grow in this area and learn how to update my blog every week! Woo Hoo! I know you all are so excited about that, I know that I am. Seriously, I am. :) Updating here we come..................