Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Spontaneous Dinner

My amazing crazy roommate got her haircut yesterday. She came home with a hankering to get all dressed up and go out. The reason why I knew this was because I can take a hint. She put on her black dress and started dancing around the flat. After a quick photo shoot and mini-dance session in our living room we decided we should go out for dinner, especially sense our oven decided to quit working for no good reason.
We headed to a restaurant that is not far from our flat. We were the only ones in the restaurant the whole time we were there. I loved it! We talked about a whisper and I even laughed out loud!
It was so much fun to have a spontaneous roitic evening of getting all dressed up and enjoying my great roommate. (roitic is a romanitc evening with out the man.) :)
New Hair Doo (is that how you spell it?)
Dance Party!!!

Attitude! Roitic Dinner


On January 13th, Jason and I left for Italy. Our flight itinerary was from Kaunas to Glasgow, Scotland and then to Milan, Italy. Well, the first flight to Glasgow was a few minutes late so we missed our check-in to Milan by 5 minutes! They wouldn't let us check-in, even though our flight wasn't scheduled to leave for another 35 minutes. So we had to change to the same flight for the following day. The Mormances had a couple hours there before their next flight so the 4 of us walked into Prestwick. It was a cute little Scottish town with a Subway! We had Subway for lunch and dinner!
Around 9pm the Mormances left and Jason and I still had about 15 hrs before our flight. I was naive in my presumption that sleeping in an airport would be a fun adventure. It was exciting for the first 2 hours then it progressively got more and more arduous. There was a Prayer Room in the airport and I thought, "what better place to sleep then in the presence of the Lord?" So the first hour or so were spent sleeping in the prayer room until security came and kicked us out. Then we headed for the "common sleeping area" also known as Arrivals; the only place that had benches to sleep on. There was not much room, but we found some spots to lay our head. About 2 hours later a man came and started yelling that everyone had to move because he had to clean the floor. So we meandered around and finally sat down by the Starbucks Kiosk. After a while I went over to an entrance hall and pulled up some carpet. After about an hour or so a lady came by and started vacuuming. I started sensing a theme. We headed back to the "common sleeping area" to find that all benches were taken, except for the oh so comfy hard chairs. Lets just say I never really went back to sleep after we got kicked out of the Presence of the Lord. I just counted down the minutes until 5am when Starbucks opened. Starbucks was the only redeeming factor in the whole fiasco.
We finally headed to Milan after our flight was delayed an hour. Ha! Perfect way to end our time in Scotland! :)
Milan was beautiful! I really enjoyed the classy and clean city. Our first night in Italy we had Thai food! It was so good.
The next night we hopped on a flight to Rome. We spent 2 full days in Rome. We saw the Colosseum and Forum, The Pantheon, The Spanish Steps, and The Vatican. It was a great time! Italians are warm and friendly people that make some freaking fantastic pasta and cappuccino!
We headed home after an 8 hour layover in Frankfurt. I'm done with airports. HA HA!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Some Catching Up......

Some things that have happened the last couple weeks are........

Christmas Eve the team came over to Tiana and I's flat and had dinner, played games, and hung out. Everyone stayed the night and then we all met up later and Mormances for a Christmas dinner. It was a great time of celebrating! A lovely German missionary was able to join us in celebrating too!
Christmas Dinner
Showing off our "Stockings"

Tiana and I did Stockings. So much fun!
Jason wrapped my Christmas present in duct tape and change in between the layers of tape. Ah the joys...... :)

My Mom's Visit:
My mom came on the 27th and on the 28th I found out I had to leave the country for visa reasons. So my mom joined me on the adventure of living overseas. :) We hopped on a plan the evening of the 28th to Tallinn, Estonia and came back early the next morning. It was fun and spontaneous!

I will post more pictures of my mom's time here in LT later. :)

Baltic Staff Conference:
We went to the coast here in LT for our yearly Baltic Staff Conference. All people who work for Agape in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia came. It was a very encouraging, restful, and enjoyable conference. I loved meeting and getting to know the amazing people working in the Baltic's.

There was about 40 people who attended
We crammed 6 of us into a small honda to go to the Dolphinarium which was so cool!