Thursday, October 19, 2006

One month anniversary! On October 18th I have offically been here one whole month! A lot has happend and changed in one month. I moved to a whole new world, found an apartment and moved in, have had many misunderstandings because of the language and cultural barriers, but I wouldn't take any of it back. It has been an experience I will never forget.
Last week we did all our planning for this year and this semester and this week we started doing ministry! Yesterday we went to the universities and did surveys. It was so exciting! I thought I was going to be scared out of my mind to do them, but I had a blasted being stretched. However, I must admit that God really spoiled my first survey experience. The first one Jen and I did together and the girl, Ingre, was really responsive. She wanted to know more about Agape and gave us her telephone number! After she left I jumped up and down and hit Jen telling her

"That was amazing!"
Jen and I split up to do more surveys. I talked to a couple girls and they did the survey, but they were not very interested. The third girl I was talking to didn't speak very good english. I asked her the question, "What do you think are 5 struggles university students deal with in Kaunas?" As I asked her this question a guy passed by and stoped right behind me. I ignored him for a lit bit thinking he was a friend of hers. Finally I turned around to see what he wanted and in perfect english told me,
"These questions you ask are very interesting."
He wanted to look at the survey and talk about it. The girl I was talking to lost intrest and left. This wanted to sit down and talk more so we went into the university and for 45min we talked all the way through the survey in depth. He would fill out the questions on the survey and then explain his answers. I would ask further questions as the Lord brought them to me. I don't think I stoped praying through the whole thing! I just wanted to be available to do what God wanted me to do and say. He spent last year in Japan studing abroad, you can imagine the spiritual concepts he picked up while over there. He had a Buddhist mentality towards spiritual things. He also enjoys philosophy so our converstation tended to sway in that direction. When he was done he looked at me and wanted to know what brought me to Lithuania and what were my goals while I was here. My thought was,
"Oh, I'm so glad you asked!!"
So I went on to tell him about Agape and what I was here to do, to tell university students about Jesus Christ. He said, "So I have heard of this Christianity. Tell me more about it." WHAT!!!!! God just kept paving the way. We started to talk about the fundamentals of Christianity and the Gospel. As we got into it he looked at his watched and noticed that he was late for class. One of the questions on the survey was, "Would you like to talk more to some about the meaning of life?" He put maybe, but wrote down his number and wanted someone to call him and talk more about
I think I skipped all the way out of the university!!!!! My first day doing surverys and I got to see God work in a practical way through a survey! It was incredible! He gave me a boldnes that I never thought I had, to ask questions I thought I would never ask! Well, I guess you never say never to the Lord!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

We are taking 3 days to seek God and His plans for this semester and for us as a team. Yesterday I walked around the park close to my apartment and found a really really old church. It was run down and falling apart. As I got closer I noticed that there was a door open going into the church. I walked in not knowing if it was allowed, but I didn't care I was so intriged by this mysterious building. When I steped in there was an old monk sitting in a folding chair by the door reading. He showed me where I could read about the history of the church and that I was free to roam. I kicked into indiana jones mode. LOL! Inside is so worn and rusted. It has been through two fires, war and many other things. It is a catholic church and all the original paintings are still up on the walls. I walked around looking at them, most of them I couldn't even make out. I found myself standing in front of one that I could barely make out, but I could see Christ hanging on the cross. The painting was very faded, rusted, stale, and Christ was just a glipse. Then it hit me, this was a picture of Lithuania. I started to cry. Lithuania's heart is faded, rusted, stale and there is but a glipse of Christ here. I sat down in front of the picture crying and started to journal all these thoughts. I stayed there a while until the monk came up to me and told me it was time to go becasue he had to leave. He noticed that I had been crying. He tried asking me questions, but we couldn't understand each other. I had so many questions for him also. Lord willing I will be able to ask him someday.

The week that we got in Kaunas, Renata had us do a scavenger hunt around the city. We had to ask three students from Kaunas Tech what they were studying and why they liked it, then we had to take a picture with them. This is Sharon & I posing with the three girls.

Jen, Sharon, & I on the savenger hunt. We were racing the boys to see who could finish the hunt the fastest.

This is an exchange student from Spain. His name is Estaban and he is a Christian. We met him at the first church we attended. He is going to be a great contact for meeting students! Praise God!

This is a picture of the nationl dish of Lithuania. It is called Zepalini. There is a joke that you need to fast just to be able to eat it because it is very heavy.