Friday, December 21, 2007

Scariest Man on Earth???

My friend sent me an email that I thought was cute so I decided I would share in light of the Christmas Season.
All it said was, "How he keeps a positive attitude.....I don't know!"

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Slumber Party!!

Last Friday, Sharon and I had a slumber party for the university girls at our church. There were 12 girls that came. We had dinner together, Sharon gave a talk on God's view of woman, we watched movies, played games, and hung out. It was a lot of fun!
Relaxing and hanging out
A little back massage anyone?
Settler's of Catan in Lithuanian
Through out the night we had a drawing and prizes for the girls.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Appreciating Cultural Differences.....

We had some lovely people come and visit us a couple weeks ago. They are technically our "bosses" for Campus Crusade. It was a blast to hang out with them and get to know them more. They are special people. :)
Us girls were able to each have a date with Krista while she was here. Her and I went to the mall to one of the only places that has to-go coffee. We both order a small coffee. Now portion sizes are definitely smaller here. If we are luck, a large coffee is about the size of a tall Starbucks coffee. So Krista and I were waiting for our coffee and I was staring off somewhere and I heard her start laughing. I turned around to see what was amusing her so much and then I saw them. Our cappuccinos......our "small" dixie cups! It was hilarious!
Then later Krista went on a coffee date with Sharon. Sharon was sharing with Krista about the difference in portion sizes and that she needed more coffee today so she was going to get the "mega latte."

It was definitely "Mega." HA HA!

And just for fun, here is a picture of "Hot Chocolate" here:
It is basically a chocolate bar melted down and put in a cup! :0 Yum Yum!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Bible Study Methods

As a team we've been going through the book of Jonah and applying a different part of Bible Study Methods each week as we study.
A couple weeks ago we were going over types, genres, and forms with in Jonah. However, to start the meeting, Matt had certain ones of us on the team (we have decided to remain anonymous), write out a Narrative, Poem, and Discourse (the three types of literature in the Bible) to persuade him never to go to KFC again. The purpose of this exercise was to get a better grasp on the difference between the three types. I would say the exercise was successful and fun at the same time. :)
Here is what people came up with:

"The day that KFC opened I went to Akropolis so excited for the finger licking goodness. I could smell deep fried chicken from two floors down. I got in line, which to my dismay was rather long, but I didn't mind. I would wait for KFC's yumminess. However, 45 minutes later I was starting to think it might not be worth it, but just then it was my turn to order. I went up to the cashier and ordered. The worker was quite unfriendly and disrespectful. I finally got my order in and as I was watching them cook my food I saw the cook sneeze on my chicken! Then it was handed to me on a plater. As I turned it over to start picking at it, I noticed a couple hairs fried in with my chicken! That is was it! I couldn't do it. I was done with KFC! Even the finger licking goodness isn't worth all of that."

To KFC say bye bye
because if not ,you might get ecoli.
They don't have any good pie.
So if you don't go, you won't die.
There is no big KFC in the sky
So just give it up and say bye bye"

Therefore, Matt, in light of the fact that they do not carry buttermilk biscuits and mashers, I urge you to not partake in any meals at the KFC. This is your thoughtful act of kindness to the. Do not conform to the crowds at Akropolis, mindlessly wandering in hoping to try new American delicacies. What shall I say then? Just give in to public pressure? By no means! Instead walk in the path I have set before you- Pizza Hut."

There you have it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas Decorating

I really enjoy this time of year when Christmas music is playing in the back ground and the smell of your Noble Tree is filling the air. You dig in the attic for all the Christmas decorations and the clutter of the boxes fill your living room. You start sorting through the decorations; reminiscing about past years, talking about the sentimental value behind some of the ornaments, untangling and checking to see if the lights still work from last year. Sitting in front of the fireplace, sipping on hot chocolate with whipped cream on top and using a candy cane as a stir stick. These are some of my fondest memories of the holidays and it is during this time of year that it becomes harder to be away from my family and not be able to partake of these traditions.
But I praise the Lord for the team He has given me and the friendships that have bloomed over the last couple years. This last weekend Tiana and I put on some Christmas music and made some hot chocolate and then dug out our little fake Christmas Tree (which my lovely and amazing sister, Renee, mailed me last year), our lights and decorations. As we decorated we talked about our favorite family traditions , shared Christmas stories, and decided we should go to church this year! Ha ha ha! We didn't quite make it last year.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Turkey Day! Paketos Diena!

Well, We started off our Thanksgiving with an exam in our Lithuanian language class. If you ask me, it wouldn't have been my first choice to start off Turkey day, but it ended up being a fun class. Our professor divided us up in to groups where each group had at least one American. I was in a group with a guy from Germany and a girl from Poland. They were suppose to ask us Americans, questions about Thanksgiving. The problem: my Lithuanian vernacular does not cover words like "pilgrim," "Indian," or "Plymouth Rock." However, it was a fun time of trying to explain Thanksgiving to people who were from two different cultures and using a language to communicate that was none of our native tongue. It was an interesting experience. :)
After class, we went back to our flats and started preparing dinner.Jason and I got into a flour fight. I think he won.....

Matt BBQed the turkey which turned out amazing! All the food was very tasty. We had twice baked potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, and gravy. Mmmmmm.... yummy goodness.
We spent the evening hanging out, playing games, and watching movies. It was a great day!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Then there were five......

Last Thursday we saw Peter and Jen off at the airport. It was a bitter sweet time. Sweet because I'm excited for them as God guides them into full time ministry and as they get to tap into their God given gifts and bless another team with them. Bitter because I will miss Peter and I will miss Jen and I will miss the Hibbs. Especially in the times when I know what Peter would've said or when Jen would've laughed and on the days we would've just hung out and enjoyed them.
Anywho, here are some pictures of the day.....

On the ride to Vilnius
Peter having a Stat Oil dog for breakfast
Our last full team picture
Saying, "See ya later, Friend!"

I love you guys!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


It has been snowing the last couple days and it has been beautiful, but not sticking! I woke up this morning to this.......

I love snow!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Laura's B-Day Party

One of our friends birthday was this last Sunday and we offered to have her birthday party at our flat on Saturday. It was a blast! She wanted to have tacos for dinner then we hung out, played games and chatted. I thank the Lord that He has given us a place that students feel like and are able to have parties and whatnot at our flat! That just blesses my heart!

All Saints Day

November 1st is All Saints day and it is tradition in Lithuania to go to the cemetery in the evening and place candles on the grave sites of people you knew. It is a surreal and tranquil experiences. I have become quite found of this tradition since I have been here. :)

Monday, October 29, 2007

An Ode to Autum

Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn.
-Elizabeth Lawrence

Autumn is crisp days and cool nights, a time to curl up around the dancing flames and sink into a good book.
– John Sinor

This park has become one of my favorite places to go the last couple weeks. There is a mall not to far from my flat and they just got a kiosk that has to go coffee! I was very excited about it! Especially since they have mochas because most coffee shops don't serve mochas. Anyways, I love getting a to go coffee and then going to this park and walking through the leaves, breathing in the smell of autumn, and then sitting and watch people pass by. It very peaceful and reminds me of Oregon.

Monday, October 22, 2007

In The Name of Jesus

On Friday we had our day with the Lord for October. It was much needed! I ended up reading through the book, "In the Name of Jesus," by Henri Nouwen. I definitely recommend it. He states;

God loves us not because of what we do or accomplish, but because God has created and redeemed us in love and has choosen us to proclaim that love as the true source of all human life.
It is easy for me to get caught up in efficiency and accomplishments and start acting like I'm saved by works and not by grace. Being here, I have had to let go of my relevant self and realize that God has called me here and He isn't going to use me based on my accomplishments or competence, but He is going to use me in my weaknesses, because this is where His power is perfected in my life. This is where true success is found.
I am here to love these people and share with them Jesus Christ and Him crucified. To offer what has been given to me; love, grace, mercy, peace, freedom.......
The mystery of ministry is that I have been chosen to make my own limited and very conditional love the gateway for the unlimited and unconditional love of God.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Last week Tiana and I started an Alpha Course in one of the dorms here. I can't tell you how exciting that is! Two girls signed up, saying the were interested in doing an alpha course, but I didn't really think they knew what they were signing up for. It is a 10 week course on the basics of Christian faith so surely these girls that we just met don't understand what they are getting into. :) Me of little faith! The first night was amazing! We had it in the girls dorm room and they invited their suite mate. They are just the sweetest girls and so much fun!
The topic was "Christianity: Boring, Untrue, Irrelevant?" The discussion that followed the DVD was fantastic! The girls are thinkers and had some great questions and insight.
I am so excited about this week! The theme this week is "Who is Jesus?" Can't wait to see what God does tonight!
We had some fun on the Mac! :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Animated Bible Reading......

Every Thursday we, as a team, have Bible Study and prayer. We are starting a study on Judges so our last Bible Study, Peter wanted us to ready through Judges together. However, when we read he wanted us to read with excitement, animation, and with different voices. At first I was thinking, "oh man, I stink at this kind of thing. Plus, is anyone really going to get into it?" Well, Peter started us off and he read with vigor, zeal, and passion. He made the story come alive. As we went around the room everyone used their announcers voice and got into the reading. When we came to Judges 5, where Deborah sings of her victory over Sisera, it was Matt's turn. He sang the whole thing! It was great! If you ever wanted to now what Deborah's song sounded like, it had a farmer joe with a banjo kinda melody. :) I loved it! It was so much fun and refreshing to read the Word of God in community with zest and liveliness. I would encourage you to try it! It may feel awkward and weird at first, but once you get past that, you feel like you are able to step into the story and partake in what is happening. :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

First Agape Meeting!

Last Wednesday we had our first Agape Meeting of the school year! Jason and Peter did a great job planning a Film Festival! We watch 3 short films and would have a discussion after each one. The students brought great insight into the discussions. Speaking of students, 12 came! All but one were from surveys we did when the summer team was here! It was incredible! Four of the students signed up saying they would be interested in doing a Bible Study and 3 students signed up saying they would be
interested in doing an Alpha Course which is learning about Christianity.
PRAISE GOD!! It was a fun and encouraging evening!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Go Lithuania!!

During the European Basketball Championship we had some girls over to watch the game with us. It was the night Lithuania played Croatia and of course Lithuania won! WooHoo!!

Tiana, Laura, Monika, Akvyla