Thursday, February 21, 2008

If we had children.......

Tiana- "If we had children, you'd be the one that would get up in the middle of the night."
- "Huh?"

To preface this conversation I will tell you what led up to it. On Valentine's Day, Tiana and I invited Aušra and Vaida over for dinner. (These are the two awesome girls that we met with all last semester and will be meeting with this semester to go through Purpose Driven Life)
We had a three course meal by candle light, played Settler's of Catan, made a torta, which is a Lithuanian cake. After the amazingly delicious torta was made, we played the girls favorite game, Dutch Blitz. And it would just not be Valentine's Day if we did not watch a chick flick so we ended the evening or I guess the morning (3am) with 'How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days.' Now this is how I like do'n the dishes
We headed to bed, the girls sharing my bed and me sharing with Tiana. Well, Aušra had to get up at 7:30 to get to a lecture so I got up with her and then Vaida knocked on Tiana's room door around 9 to say that she was leaving. So I got up to say goodbye.Silly Girls

So back to Tiana and I's conversation:

Tiana- I decided that if we had kids, you'd be the one to get up in the middle of the night with them.
Me- Why did you decide this?
Tiana- Because you got up with the girls this morning and I just rolled over and went back to sleep!
Me- Oohh.

I found this conversation hilarious. One thing I appreciate about Tiana is her randomness and how things like this just come out of no where. It usually takes some clarifying questions on my part, but it always makes my life more entertaining and fun. Thanks Ti!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I love my job!!!!!

I feel so spoiled by the Lord to have such an incredible job! I get to study the Word, I get to skype with students, I get to go hang out with girls in their dorm room for hours talking about life, about God, about new hairstyles!
I had a great day today! It started with me preparing for our Bible Study meeting. I had to state the main idea of Jonah in one simple sentence, then I had to find principles with in Jonah. Such as, God is sovereign over all nature: Jonah 1:4, 17, 2:10, 4:6, 4:7. God is gracious and compassionate: Jonah 4:11. After that I had to think of 4 applications that were specific and measurable; i.e. - Come to the Lord daily, confessing and repenting my iniquities so I may be humble and soft in heart, ready to be used by the Lord. I then went to our Bible Study and Prayer time for the next couple hours.
I had lunch and skyped with a girl who I had not talked to in a while. I found out it was her birthday so I started scheming to do something. I met with Sharon for our weekly meeting and talked to her about doing something for Rima. We got her some loose tea, a Peez despenser, chocolate, and a flower. We headed to her dorm and found that she was there. We talked for a while, but then she had a meeting to go to. However, Sharon knew Rima's roommate and suite- mate. So we ended up talking to them for a couple hours! One of the girls brought out her picture albums and talked us through a couple of them. I feel so privileged to be let into their lives and see a glimpse of their heart. I look forward to the future months to see where God takes these relationships and others!

I just had to tell you that I think I have the best job ever! I feel like jumping for joy!!