Monday, June 09, 2008

Lithuanian Staff Retreat

Last week , all of the Lithuanian Agape Staff went on a retreat to a really small village. We stayed in a log cabin and ate homemade Lithuanian and Russian food! Hmmm... tasty goodness.
It was great to be able to spend some quality time with the Vilnius team and praise God together for all that He has done over the years. We also had devotion times in the morning where each person shared about how God has worked in their life and how they've seen Him use them this last year. What a precious time to hear more of peoples hearts and to be reminded of God 's goodness!

Then at the end of the week it was just the Kaunas team. We spent time debriefing as a team the last couple years. It was a time of laughter, tears (mostly on my part!), and reflection. This time will forever be cherished in my heart....

Agape Lithuania

Having some fun with statues



Playing a fun game Tiana introduced us to

My amazing team!!!

A park with big kids toys!!

The girls